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October 31, 2024

6 Election Day Read Alouds for Kids You Will Love

Election Day is right around the corner and there are so many good books for you to read aloud in your classroom. You can teach so much to your students about election day through different read alouds. You can talk about what an election is, who candidates are, and how a president becomes elected. Using books to teach these ideas to our littlest learners is a great way to involve them in Election day, too! Letโ€™s look at some great read alouds to use this November for Election Day! 

Why Should I Use Read Alouds to Teach about Election Day?

An enjoyable read aloud can bring a smile to a students face. There is something special about reading a book together as a class and discussing it. You can build background knowledge, model what good fluency sounds like and stop and think aloud  as you read to your students. 

6 Election Day Read Alouds for Kids

Grace for President

This is a cute book that will engage your students! This book teaches about elections and how every vote counts. This is a great book to use to make connections with! You can find a lesson ready to go HERE.

Duck for President

This is one of my favorite books! Duck is tired of doing chores and decides to hold an election to replace Farmer Brown. This book will make your students laugh and is great for teaching visualizing! 

If I Ran for President

This is a cute book that teaches a lot about the election cycle. It discusses the party system and uses vocabulary terms like delegate and convention. You could use this book to teach making connections or authorโ€™s purpose! 

The Night Before Election Day

This book asks the question who will be our next president? It is written as a poem and will engage your students! This would be a great book to teach character traits and feelings or sequencing! 

Froggy for President

Froggy decides to run for class president, but so does Frogilina. This book teaches students about the election process and the importance of voting! Froggy for President shares facts about the election process and of course, Froggy and Frogilina have their own opinions on what they would do if they become class president. Your students will love this book! 

Sofia Valdez, Future Prez

This is a great book to use to teach character traits and feelings! Sofia stands up for what she believes in and enacts change in her community! 

Are you looking for lessons that match these election day read alouds? I have a set of election day read alouds HERE. They come with reading response pages, vocabulary cards, sticky notes, and MORE! Grab them now!ย 

Are there any books you like to read to celebrate election day in your classroom? Iโ€™d love to hear about them in the comments!

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Happy Teaching,


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Hi, I'm Amanda

I’m a K-1 teacher who is passionate about making lessons your studentsย loveย and that areย easy to implementย for teachers.ย ย Helping teachers like you navigate their way through their literacy block brings me great joy. I am a lifelong learner who loves staying on top of current literacy learning and practices. Here, youโ€™ll find the tools you need to move your K-2 students forward!


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