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March 17, 2020

6 Screen Free Activities to Help Kids Learn at Home {with FREE Downloads}

Whether you are a teacher looking for resources for your students to use through distance learning or a parent trying to figure out how to manage some homeschooling, it all can be overwhelming to take on. Today I want to help make this a little easier by sharing some screen free activities that you can easily do at home with things you probably already have.

Teachers, you can share this blog post with the parents in your classroom. And if you are a parent new around here, welcome! These activities are meant to be engaging, purposeful, and simple to implement. Learning at home doesn’t have to be complicated! These six screen free activities are sure to be a hit while supporting learning and creating some quality family time!

Try a Fun Shared Reading Passage

Shared reading is an engaging way to teach kids a fun poem or song and practice important reading and phonics skills. You can download a FREE shared reading passage! It has a poem and instructions for five days of activities you can do with just one poem. This screen free activity can be done with a parent or older sibling.

Grab this resource FREE below!

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    If you loved it, check out the Shared Reading Print-and-Go resource. It has ten more poems that your students can easily use at home with the parents or even an older sibling.

    Go on an alphabet hunt walk.

    Head out on a walk with a notebook and pencil. Work together with your kids to try to find something that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Then, have your child record it in their journal by illustrating it and/or writing out the word. Kids can always write down more than one for each letter if you find more!

    Turn regular games into education games

    One fun way to build in screen free activities into your day is through games you already have – think Uno, Slap Jack, Candyland, Connect Four, Memory, and Tic Tac Toe. Grab your favorite game and make it into a sight word game, letter recognition game, or math game. Check out my post Quick and Simple Ways to Make Fun Sight Word Games to get a FREE downloadable list of games to try!

    Fill Out a Life Skills Bingo Card

    Teach your kids how to do some important things they’ll need to learn how to do in a fun way! Use this FREE Bingo card to encourage your child to help around the house and learn something new at the same time.

    Grab this resource FREE below!

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      Start a book journal of the books you read

      Have your child read their favorite book (or read it to them) and write about their favorite part. You could also start a journal where each day your child writes about the book they have read and illustrates their favorite part. Some sentence stems to help get you started could be:

      • My favorite part was … because…
      • One thing that surprised me was…
      • I’d still like to know more about…
      • One thing that made me laugh was …
      • My friend/family member __ would like this book too because …

      Encouraging children to write about reading will help build strong literacy skills!

      Try some outside hands-on alphabet activities.

      Our weather is starting to warm up, and hopefully, yours is, too! If your kids are starting to get a little stir-crazy, head to the back yard and try some hands-on alphabet activities. In my post, Hands-On Alphabet Activities, I shared some of my favorite ways to get outside and practice with both students at school and my own kids at home. This blog post has a FREE printable list of all of the activities to make it easy for you!

      These hands-on alphabet activities are sure to make your summer fun and filled with learning! They are easy to do, supplies are affordable, and your little learners will have a blast!

      You can change up some of them to be sight word-based, addition/subtraction problems, or number and object matching. Get creative!

      All of these screen free activities can be modified and changed to best support your kids. I also wanted them to be easy to try and as stress-free as possible. Most of these activities can also be done with younger siblings if they are home, too.

      If you’re looking for some awesome literacy-based websites, check out my post 5 Top Literacy Sites for Easy Online Learning.

      As always, please reach out to me in the comments if you have any questions or need any help. I’m here for you!

      Happy Teaching,


      8 Get to Know You Games for Distance Learning

      Getting to know your students can be trickier while distance learning. Grab this FREE printable with eight get-to-know-you games and activities so that you can start connecting with students, help them get to know each other, and build a positive classroom community.

      Hi, I'm Amanda

      I’m a K-1 teacher who is passionate about making lessons your studentsย loveย and that areย easy to implementย for teachers.ย ย Helping teachers like you navigate their way through their literacy block brings me great joy. I am a lifelong learner who loves staying on top of current literacy learning and practices. Here, youโ€™ll find the tools you need to move your K-2 students forward!


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