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Finding Leveled Readers for Guided Reading

Are you ready to being guided reading but not sure where to find the right books? This blog post makes finding books EASY for you and shows you different places to get books for guided reading. You are sure to be set for your guided reading time with your kindergarten and first grade class after this!

“Where can I find books for guided reading?” I get asked this all the time! You get excited to implement guided reading as part of a balanced literacy program, but then the issue is finding leveled sets of books (usually six per title) to use with your little readers. The struggle is real friends. If […]

Classroom Book Shopping

Book shopping in an elementary classroom can seem like a BIG task, but it doesn't have to be! Maybe you have put it off, like I did, for many years. But sharing all of your wonderful books with your kindergarten and first grade students is SO helpful! See how this teacher learned to simplify book shopping for her students.

If you have been able to catch any of my Facebook lives last summer or even heard me present, you will always hear me talk honestly about book shopping. When I was in the classroom, I was always SO fearful of letting all of those little hands touch my books. After all, I had spent […]

How Tracing Letters Helps Letter Identification

Letter tracing is a simple way to help students who are struggling with letter id! All you need is a book and teacher and you are set! Use this as a warm up in your guided reading groups, have a tutor use it with a child, or send it home with struggling students!

We primary grade teachers know that kids come to school with a variety of letter knowledge. Some kinder, and even first grade, students are still working on letter identification. This was the case for most of the schools I taught in.  In her book, The Next Step in Guided Reading, Jan Richardson says that students who […]

10 Guided Reading Tools from Dollar Tree

With guided reading, it always seems like there are so many tools.  I think this is right.  There just are so many! I have written HERE about my favorites, HERE about some more things I used all the time, but it just never fails. Every time I walk into the Dollar Tree I can’t help […]

5 Ways to Use iPads During Guided Reading

Using iPads during Guided reading can be intimidating, but there are several ways that we can implement them into group time easily! Read this guided reading blog post to learn 5 simple ways to use ipads during guided reading for kindergarten and first grade students!

As technology in education advances, more teachers have access to iPads in the classroom. How neat is it that we have more ways to reach our learners! Using iPads during guided reading might seem difficult, but it’s just the opposite! Even if you only have one iPad for you and 22 friends to share, there […]

Interactive Word Walls

Using an interactive word wall is crucial as you build literacy skills. Find out how to use a word wall, why you need a word wall, and the importance of it being interactive in this blog post for kindergarten and first grade!

Word walls can be used no matter what grade you teach. Between anchor charts and students’ products, I know classroom real estate is valuable! So let’s talk about word walls and how to make them worth the room they take up. What is a Word Wall? Word walls in the primary classroom are the centerpiece!  It’s […]

Top 10 Blog Posts About Guided Reading

Beginning guided reading can feel like conquering a mountain! Check out these top 10 must read blog post about guided reading to help you get started!

Guided reading–it truly is the heart of reading instruction in my classroom. Not only is it my favorite part of the day, but it’s a time when kids get instruction that leaves them truly feeling empowered to be the best readers they can be! Whether you are new to guided reading or you’re already successfully […]

7 Ways to Reset Kids During Work Stations

Do your students need redirecting during work stations? Managing work stations can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be! Get your first grade and kindergarten students reset during work stations with these 7 tips!

After launching literacy stations and putting procedures in place, they tend to go pretty smoothly. Some days, however, they can get chaotic, especially after a break, a long holiday weekend, or a few days with a substitute. We all have been there! It also happens between station rotations in a single day. Friends, even classrooms […]

Keeping Students on Task During Literacy Stations

Do your little learners struggle to stay on task during literacy stations? Check out this list of tips for literacy stations to help ensure that your students are staying engaged!

Launching literacy stations is a big task! You plan each station, carefully explain each one, provide time for your students to practice the station, and then let them go. But what happens when they don’t last the full 20 minutes at a workstation? What happens when they constantly need help? What happens when your little […]

Using Music to Teach Literacy

Using music to teach literacy is a great tool! See how this teacher grabs her students' attention with music and teaches them valuable reading skills by doing so!

Using music in the classroom to reach our little learners is a fabulous tool. Research tells us that when we are learning through music and movement, more parts of the brain is engaged than any other time. Music is enjoyable, engaging, and motivating for our little learners! It also helps keep our students on track […]

25 Sight Word Tips and Tricks For K-1 Teachers

If you are tired of the same old sight word tips and tricks, here are 25 ways to practice sight words in your classroom!

“What are your best sight word tips to help my readers learn them quickly?” is one question I get asked often. Well friends, I think it all comes down to how you introduce high-frequency words and how you keep reinforcing them. Once students understand how to orthographically map a word, it helps their brains learn […]

How to Easily Differentiate Reading Instruction

Do you struggle to differentiate your reading instruction? Check out these things you may already do in your classroom that help you meet your students where they are!

Differentiation.  It’s definitely a buzzword in education these days and I think there is a solid reason for that.  It works. It’s how we reach ALL students. It’s what is best for students. I’ll never forget in college when I was taught about it.  All I could think of was the crazy amount of work […]

Scheduling and Creating Guided Reading Groups

Figuring out a guided reading schedule for your groups can seem tricky and can be confusing, but it doesn't have to be! Read about these 3 tips that will be sure to help you think through and give you some freedom in your groups!

Guided reading has several tiny bits and pieces that come together to make your time at the table successful.  I feel like the more I taught guided reading, the more aware I became of each puzzle piece. One of the pieces that I don’t think I fully grasped the power of until years later was […]

3 Favorite Lesson Hooks

Hooks for lessons are important! Be creative with them and check out these 3 simple, free, lesson hooks!

Hooking students at the beginning of a lesson can be a make or break moment.   It’s the time that you truly create buy in for the topic you are teaching. I would do my best every day to make the hook of my lesson engaging and to truly capture the attention of every child. Here […]

Teaching Readers to be Thinkers

Teaching readers how to think is an important element in teaching reading. These tips are great for any elementary teacher as she dives into this practice.

Teaching children to read is truly a more difficult task than I feel like any primary teacher receives credit for. Let’s be honest–if you handed the right tools to just anyone do you think they could get the job done? I remember my first year in kindergarten and just how overwhelmed I was by the responsibility […]

Getting Started with Guided Reading

A step-by-step guide to getting started with guided reading to grow strong readers. Guided reading. Those two simple words bring either happiness or fear to you. They bring happiness because you are able to reach each and every student, differentiate learning, meet each student where they are, and provide coaching as you see them blossom […]

Guided Reading Misconceptions

Figuring out guided reading can be difficult. There are so many pieces of a guided reading lesson. Here are 4 guided reading misconceptions that this teacher clears up for you!

If you hang out here often, you know how much I love guided reading.  If you are on my email list, you have read about my guided reading journey.  I  jumped in during my first year of teaching and often felt like I was drowning.  I wasn’t really sure what to think of the whole […]

Top 7 Books for Balanced Literacy

If you are looking to dig your feet into balanced literacy, these books are for you! They are easy reads, filled with great info, and helped me so much!

We all know the drill. We often times are sent to PD sessions that don’t keep our attention or that don’t quite meet our needs.  This is why, as teachers, most of us are readers. We are life-long learners. We take our learning into our own hands. We own it! Often times with balanced literacy, […]

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