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Professional Development

Why Interactive Read Alouds are Powerful

Interactive read alouds are one of the most powerful parts of our day. Students are able to observe what good readers do and how they think!

Interactive read alouds are one of my favorite parts of  our day!  It’s a time for us to gather close, emulate the bedtime story time that so many kids do not get at home, and recreate that intimate time. It’s the time that I get to model how to think like a reader.  I also […]

Phonemic Awareness Activities

Phonemic awareness activities are an important building block for reading. These activities are simple to implement, purposeful, and engaging for students!

Mastering phonemic awareness is a key factor in reading readiness for little learners. No matter what reading level a child is on – pre-readers to high readers, they ALL have or need a strong foundation of phonemic awareness.  Sometimes we just don’t know where to begin to help our students build the foundation of reading and other […]

4 Tips for Managing RTI

RTI–those 3 letters that just make you want to pull your hair out sometimes. As elementary teachers, we already prep for so many content areas. Sometimes adding RTI to the plate is just too much. At least this is how I felt at times. Managing RTI was just going to send me to the looney […]

Guided Reading with Non-Readers {& a FREE Chart}

Guided reading with kindergarten students, especially who are non-readers, can be a challenge. This teacher breaks down a guided reading lesson for non-readers and shows you what your time at your guided reading table should look like!

I have a brand new, updated post about Reading Small Groups with Pre-Readers with the Science of Reading in Mind that you may also find helpful!  One question I get more than any other is, “What do I do for guided reading with non-readers?” It’s a very common question and a very realistic question. We […]

Encouraging Young Writers

Do your young writers need a boost? These 3 tips are easy ways to encourage them to be excellent writers! Perfect tips for kindergarten writing, first grade writing, and even second grade writing!

Writing is a time of our day that often gets squished to the end of the day, especially in kindergarten.  So often we think, “Well, they aren’t reading yet so they aren’t ready to write much. They can just draw pictures.”  You’re right, they can draw pictures, but have you ever thought about how that is […]

Identifying a Teaching Point During Guided Reading

Identifying a teaching point during guided reading may be the most important thing you do to help your readers during guided reading time. In this blog post, this teacher shares the basics of identifying a teaching point.

Though guided reading is a short time with students that seems to fly by, it is filled with many essential elements. It’s truly a time to coach students in their reading.  One of the essential elements includes identifying a teaching point as a student reads.  It’s easy to let this go and focus on a the many other […]

Teaching Concepts About Print

Teaching concepts about print is an important early literacy skill to be mastered. The skills are necessary as students learn how our language works and looks in print. See how this teacher weaves it into her day and assesses her little learners.

One of the most important and basic early literacy skills for our little readers is mastering concepts about print.  This is the “knowledge of print awareness and book handling skills.”  For many students, this comes natural, but for the other half, it does not.  I see this in my own child who we adopted.  While […]

Getting Started with Word Work

Word Work is an important part of the balanced literacy approach to reading. See how this teacher does word study in her kindergarten and first grade classroom, see her favorite resources, and grab the freebie!

Word work, or word study, is an important part of the balanced literacy approach to teaching reading.  This is the time for the teacher to provide explicit, direct, and systematic teaching instruction on the foundation of the English language.  This is not a big chunk of our day, but it’s a part of our day […]

Beginning Literacy Stations

Beginning literacy stations can seem like a huge task, but it really is simple! No more changing stations out each week! Keep your learners engaged and make your job easier!

Beginning literacy stations can seem like an overwhelming task.  I’ll never forget when someone gave me my first professional development book about them. I was a new teacher, eager to try new things and do whatever I needed to make it work. After all, how in the world would I pull guided reading groups if I […]

Structuring a Guided Reading Lesson Made Easy

Structuring a guided reading lesson is made simple as this teacher breaks down her time and shares each piece of her guided reading lesson.

Teaching and structuring a guided reading lesson can seem overwhelming at first. I know that when I sat with my kids for the first time, though I had seen a great model, I was so worried about fitting it all in. I wasn’t sure if I was even teaching what I should.  I felt like […]

The Best Way to Monitor Sight Word Progress

Sight word data tracking doesn't have to be tricky! See how this teacher made it easy for herself and engaging for students. Don't forget to grab the FREEBIE! #SightWords #WordWork

92 words. 100 words. It doesn’t matter which list you use – Dolch, Fry’s, or your own. Mastering sight words is a key factor in reading success with little learners. That makes progress monitoring for sight words important. But the task of tracking it all can seem so daunting. How do you keep students motivated? […]

4 Must-Have Apps for Elementary Teachers

There are tons of great apps for students to use, but what about apps for teachers to use as they are teaching? This short group of 4 apps are definitely must-haves for any elementary teacher!

Technology is simply a way of life in the classroom these days. When I first started teaching, I felt so lucky to have an interactive whiteboard in my classroom, especially a mounted one. Now, only a short 8 years later, apps for elementary teachers are a must-have. Along with interactive whiteboards are tablets these days.  With tablets […]

How to Help Cultivate a Love of Reading

Loving to read is not something that comes naturally to all children. Sometimes they love to get lost in a book, make connections, predict what will happen next and other times children just want to look at the pictures and be done. I can even see that in both of my own children.  My son […]

What is Shared Reading?: An Easy Start Guide

Shared reading instruction can seem tricky, but it doesn't have to be! This how-to guide makes it super simple and manageable for kindergarten and first grade! I love what they do after a week of instruction and practicing strategies, too! #balancedliteracy #sharedreading

Shared reading is a valuable part of the balanced literacy approach. You may be wondering what it is or how it’s different than a read aloud. Because it takes up such a small amount of time, it often is left out. But I am here to tell you that the 15 minutes spent on shared […]

11 Tools to Help You Get Started With Reading Small Groups

Just the thought of getting started with guided reading small groups can be overwhelming. I know that was the case for me when I started teaching. You have to create a space for it You have to gather reading tools. Then, you have to create groups and write effective lessons. It’s a lot! One area […]

Integrating Science into Reading and Writing

Integrating science into reading and writing is a breeze once you see how this teacher does it! She provides a detailed look into how she squeezes it all in!

Science was, hands down, a favorite time in my class for all of my students year after year! We were not only able to explore fun topics, but we were able to get our hands dirty and carry the topic throughout the day as we learned reading and writing skills.  And let’s be honest–with everything […]

Making Sight Words Stick

Do your students struggle with sight words? Here are 4 Simple Tips to Help Make Sight Words Stick, plus a FREEBIE!

Sight words are an important part of teaching little learners to read.  As more research has become easily available to teachers, we now know that sight words and high-frequency words are different. You can read more about that here. No matter what, though, when it comes to making high-frequency words turn to sight words and […]

10 Must Make Anchor Charts for Reading

10 must make anchor charts for reading on all topics like reading comprehension, main idea, and cause and effect. Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classrooms could all use these graphic organizers to help young readers. #reading #anchorcharts

I talked a little last week about how much I loved using anchor charts in the classroom.  We would use them time and time again to “anchor our learning”.  From introducing topics, to exploring more about topics, recording our learning, and being referenced later—they were always a part of our classroom environment.  Today I want to highlight […]

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