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Professional Development

Bright Idea Teacher Tips Round-Up to Save New Teachers Time

These 8 bright ideas are perfect for any classroom! These tips are perfect for new and experienced teachers. Grab some ideas for classroom management, celebrations, activities, and more! I especially LOVE the birthday chair! #ClassroomIdeas #TeacherTips

This month is when the craziness begins for the holiday season. It’s wonderful and exhausting all at the same time.  It also is the time of the year that lots of families travel. Traveling is a great time to catch-up on your blog reading!  This month we are throwing together a little round-up of ideas […]

Favorite Websites for K-2

Favorite websites for kids to use in the classroom. We love the 2nd one so much!!

Happy Tuesday!! I wanted to pop in to share some favorite websites that my little friends always love to learn with in the computer lab! My kids always LOVE ABCYa! One of my favorite things about it is that I can easily differentiate what they are working on! I can put my higher kids on […]

Bright Idea for Positive Behavior Reinforcement!

This positive behavior reinforcement cost you nothing is the perfect way to have students take ownership of it all.

I don’t know about your class, but in my class at this time of the year the honeymoon is over.  The kids are making themselves at home in our classroom and they are warmed up to me quite well! They know our short list of rules. They know what is right. They know what is […]

School Supply Storage in a Transient Classroom

Use this simple tip for school supply storage to make them easy and organized! One of the busiest nights of school is always meet the teacher night!  No matter what your school year looks like, you have kids that come and go at times. When their world seems to be turning upside down, being able […]

Back to School #selfie

Teach back to school expectations with this fun selfie activity! Students will illustrate what each part of their day should look like through a selfie.

With all the #selfie craziness that there is, I KNEW I wanted to make something that could be used in the classroom during back to school time. Teaching classroom expectations and procedures can get really boring.  You do it once, then again, then again, then again, then you practice one more time.  I do, however, […]

Preparing for My Long Term Sub and a Giveaway!

Get everything planned and organized for your substitute as you take maternity leave! See how this teacher prepared!

As you know by now I am a new mommy to a sweet little guy! When I found out I was pregnant not only did I praise God for the miracle of life he had created, but I also was SO thankful that I wasn’t going to have to miss a lot of school.  I […]

Bright Ideas for Pencils for Little Learners

Hello there! Right now I am curled up in bed because it is COLD outside! Yes, cold.  It’s the middle of Summer in Texas and I am in pants and a light zip-up jacket.  Crazy! I digress… Do you ever have this problem with your students’ work??? Or do you find yourself saying, “Where is […]

Chalk Paint in the Classroom

Are you looking for a fun, simple, and engaging way to take learning outdoors? Check out this recipe for chalk paint! What a perfect summer craft! It's so easy to make and the possibilities are endless for your little kindergarten and first grade students! #TeacherTips #ClassroomIdeas

The end of the year is SO close!  With that, come several crazy days that your normal schedule is thrown out the window in order to work in this or that.  I wanted to share one of my FAVORITE things to do at the end of the year-use CHALK PAINT in the classroom! I LOVE […]

Top 2 Tips for Field Trips

Do field trips have you going crazy due to the prep work? These field trip tips are perfect for teachers and your kindergarten or first grade field trip! Students will love the first idea! #fieldtrips #teachertips

Field Trips, YAY!!  They are one of most fun learning experiences for my students every year, but they also can be stressful.  Sign this. Return this. Pay this. Who turned in what? Why can’t you go again? I need more adults.  Wear this shirt, please.  The list goes on and on and on, but we love […]

Whole Group and Individual Classroom Management

These 3 ideas are easy, effective, and help students be responsible for their choices! I love that they all focus on positive ways to handle situations and praise!

I’m back today to share with you how we do a little bit of classroom management in our classroom.  Like most of you, I have several levels and we do our best to focus on positive behavior reinforcement. Individual Behavior We have a classroom clip chart for individual behavior management. I know so many people […]

DeBug Mini-Unit

Many of you have read and even pinned this post about DeBug.  I never imagined that it would be so warmly welcomed! I have been working over the past week to come up with some activities for you to use to teach DeBug as we are all beginning to think about the new school year! […]

Conduct Form

Sometimes schools have their own version of behavior logs that are filled out daily. My last school had one that was used school wide. My previous school did not, which led us to creating this. If my new school doesn’t have a form, I think I’ll go back to using this. I really like the […]

Beginning of the Year Procedures and Expectations Checklist

Beginning of year classroom expectations and procedures to teach. This list has it all! Perfect to check off as you cover each!

The beginning of the school year can seem like a blur with all that you have going on in the classroom.  But within the craziness, there are many important things to teach–mainly expectations and procedures.  I created a beginning of year procedures and expectations checklist of all the procedures that I will need to teach during the […]

Sweet Choices

Thanks to Pinterest, I saw this idea from First Grader…At Last! I thought it was a great idea! In the past, we did “Rays of Sunshine”. Anytime the class would have wonderful behavior in the classroom, or would receive appreciations from another teacher or administration person, they would earn a ray of sunshine. When the […]

DeBug System

Everyone has a different “let’s not tattletale” system. Some have tattling turtle, or a picture of the President and students “tell it to the president”, etc. I have never used anything like that because my first year teaching I was introduced to The DeBug System. I’m not sure if it’s from some training that happened […]

Punch Cards

One way that I reward wise choices is by giving the kids a “punch”. Of course it’s not a real punch! I use a hole punch and make a hole in their punch card. I got this wonderful idea from a wonderful co-worker at my old school. If the kid was on “green” (This was […]

Behavior Chart

I had WONDERFUL co-workers last year that I learned so much from! One of them used a behavior chart much like this one. The kids all start out at “Ready to Learn” and then can move either up or down depending on their choices throughout the day. Her system seemed to work well for her. […]

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