8 Get to Know You Games for Distance Learning
Get to know you games for distance learning to build a positive classroom community. If you found out that you will be teaching remotely this fall, I’m sure you have a lot on your plate. You’ve probably figured out how to run your online learning platform. You have mastered Zoom and Loom. You may even […]
How to Make Parent Communication While Distance Learning Easier
For most of us this school year, distance learning is a real possibility. With that comes several obstacles that teachers may face. One of them is how to manage parent communication while distance learning. I wanted to help you brainstorm a few ways to effectively communicate with parents so they can stay involved in their […]
Literacy Toolboxes: An Easy Approach to Literacy Manipulatives
As we approach a new year of learning that is filled with so much uncertainty, one thing we can be certain of is the need for literacy instruction. Your small groups will need their literacy tools at their fingertips. Plus, when each child has their own set of literacy manipulatives, it’s much easier to manage […]
What to Teach During Guided Reading {with FREE List}
You sit down at the guided reading table. Five sweet smiling faces are staring back at you. You have a perfectly organized guided reading binder. Then what? Do you know what guided reading skills you need to cover with this group? Do you feel prepared and relaxed or slightly anxious about knowing what to do […]
Why You Need Guided Reading in Your Classroom
Reading small groups are hands-down my favorite way to teach reading. Not only do I see results in my students’ reading skills, but they love it. When I called a group to my small group table, they were all always excited. There are so many benefits of reading small groups. Trust me when I say […]
The Secret to a Successful Guided Reading Group
“Amanda, there must be a secret to successful guided reading. What is it?” I get asked this exact question often. Teachers want students to experience success in reading through guided reading, but sometimes they feel like a hamster in a wheel. They are doing the “right” things, but it feels like going through the motions. […]
4 Ways to Celebrate the End of the Year on Zoom
It’s almost here – the end of the year! I know you’re probably more sad about the end of this year than others. You might even be more tired this year. Your students might be, too! What better way to end the school year than to do something fun and “normal” for the end of […]
5 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day During Distance Learning
One of the holidays we usually celebrate in the classroom is Earth Day. Even though teachers and students are all distance learning right now, we can still find ways to teach students about Earth Day and how to care for our earth. I came up with some activities that would be easy to implement while […]
FREE ABC Countdown to Summer for Distance Learning
A free ABC Countdown to Summer to use while distance learning. One of my favorite ways to make the end of the year fun and memorable was to do an ABC countdown with my class. My students and I loved having something fun to look forward to each day as the year wrapped up. This […]
How to Use Boom Cards for Distance Learning
Whether you are brand new to distance learning or ready to try some new things, Boom cards are a must-try! This online tool makes it simple and easy to have students practice specific skills, monitor progress, and track data. I know teachers are overwhelmed with trying to successfully teach and connect with students online, so […]
4 Tips for Setting Up Homeschool for Your Family
Have you suddenly found yourself homeschooling? Are you thinking to yourself, “I most definitely did NOT sign up for this!”? Or maybe you feel like you are drowning as you are trying to help your kids with school and still do your job with all the people at home now. I know that we definitely […]
Connecting with Students During Distance Learning
In this post, I share 17 ideas for connecting with students during distance learning. Have you found yourself drowning in all that is involved with distance learning? Maybe you have even found yourself just missing seeing your students each day. I have heard some people compare this time to summertime. But friends, it is very […]
6 Screen Free Activities to Help Kids Learn at Home {with FREE Downloads}
Whether you are a teacher looking for resources for your students to use through distance learning or a parent trying to figure out how to manage some homeschooling, it all can be overwhelming to take on. Today I want to help make this a little easier by sharing some screen free activities that you can […]
Teaching Children to Speak with Kindness {and a FREEBIE}
Grab this new book and FREEBIE to share as you are teaching kindness in the classroom. You are on the other side of your classroom. “STOP!”, you hear someone yell. “Don’t do that!”, they continue. You look to see one child bothering another and while you now have a very upset child, you scramble to […]
How to Share Reading Tips for Your Kindergarten Parents
What do you say when your kindergarten parents ask for reading tips? Do you struggle to offer them concrete, practical activities to do at home? I sure did! Until I got my little secret weapon ready, I found myself digging through files and grabbing charts and flashcards to send home with students who needed a […]
What Teachers Need to Know About Subitizing {+ a Freebie}
Subitizing is a big word for such a simple concept. Funny how that happens! Much like reading, students need a solid foundation in number fluency. Subitizing activities are a great way to help students do just that! As a result of not learning how to subitize, students might have difficulty with spatial reasoning, understanding addition […]
5 of the Best FREE Name Activities Kinder Kids Need
Kindergarten teachers know that the beginning of the year brings in a variety of students with different skill levels. Some know their letters and sounds, some can read, and some can barely identify the letters in their own names. One thing all of these students can benefit from is practicing name activities. Why Should Students […]
5 Simple Steps to Setting-Up Your Listening Station for Success
Setting up a listening station is made simple with these steps! Literacy stations are a BIG part of the day for kindergarten and first grade classrooms. Time and time again, I had kids who loved this part of our day. Some people walked in our classroom and may have felt like it was a zoo, […]