How to Help Cultivate a Love of Reading
Loving to read is not something that comes naturally to all children. Sometimes they love to get lost in a book, make connections, predict what will happen next and other times children just want to look at the pictures and be done. I can even see that in both of my own children. My son […]
10 End of Year Ideas to Save Your Sanity [with FREEBIES!]
The end of the school year is so close, yet there are days that it just seems so far away! I know I always was looking for the last day of school on the horizon, but I wanted to keep my students engaged in learning all the way until the end. To help make planning […]
Making Sight Words Stick
Sight words are an important part of teaching little learners to read. As more research has become easily available to teachers, we now know that sight words and high-frequency words are different. You can read more about that here. No matter what, though, when it comes to making high-frequency words turn to sight words and […]
ABC End of Year Countdown FREEBIES
The end of the school year can be such a whirl! It always seems like from spring break on, I am running the 400m sprint and it’s definitely not a relay. Ha! One thing we loved to do was make the last 24-26 days fun and exciting! We created an ABC End of Year Countdown […]
Poetry Made Simple for Little Learners {& a FREEBIE}
Learn how to use poetry for kids to easily enhance learning by integrating subject areas. Roses are red, Violets are blue. I love integrating subjects through poetry, How about you? Okay maybe writing poetry isn’t my future career, but I love using poetry for kids in the classroom! Poetry is something that I expose my […]
Simple Punch Cards for Positive Behavior Support
Positive behavior reinforcement is always something I strived to improve in my classroom. It always seemed like I was whipping out an old trick from a seasoned teacher to try. Sometimes a new, simple concept to reward behavior was just what I needed to get my students back on track after a long weekend or […]
Why Flip Up Books Are Great for Students
Throughout this school year, I have been creating flip up books for teachers and students to use. I wanted to show you how we you can use them in your classroom and why they are a great learning tool for students! 1. Multiple content areas are addressed! Teachers are telling me that they are loving them […]
3 Ways to Ring in the New Year in Your Classroom
Happy New Year, friends! I love the fresh, new beginning of a new year in the classroom. Even though it’s not a new school year with students, they come back refreshed, excited, and ready to roll (for the most part at least!). It’s the perfect time for you to take advantage of the clean plate […]
FREE T-Shirts for Teachers
Last summer as I was busy preparing for a great trip to Vegas to learn more about TeachersPayTeachers, meet up with some great friends, and just have some good girl time I ran across A+ Images. They were offering a FREE teacher shirt! I just knew I had to have one! I was late to the party, […]
Reindeer Holiday Party FREEBIE
The end is so close, dear friends! Most of you have one more week with your sweet babies and then you get a well-deserved break! But before that can happen, there is a holiday party you need to pull off. 😉 I have been loving ALL things reindeer this season so I dreamed up how […]
Gingerbread Activities for the Classroom and a FREEBIE
‘Tis the season for some gingerbread activities! I know when December rolled around, I was always so excited because the students were eager to learn through some new engaging units–Gingerbread, Reindeer, and Christmas Around the World were some of our favorites! I always loved teaching thematically, but here’s the deal: I had to be able […]
3 Activities to Makes Doubles Addition Fun {+ FREEBIE}
Teaching doubles addition was always something that I enjoyed. Math always seems like the perfect opportunity to try to reach students through all different learning styles. We would do a lot of chanting, singing, game playing, and of course, the timed math fact tests. These three activities helped my students develop a strong understanding of […]
4 Pumpkin Literacy Activities for Kindergarten and First Grade [+ A Freebie!]
One thing I have learned over the years is that no matter the child, drawing on a relevant, engaging topic that brings excitement benefits our learning environment. Depending on the time of year, it can be life cycles, animals, insects, or even pumpkins. The fall is so fun and is a great time to bring […]
5 Fire Prevention Week Activities for the K-2 Classroom
Did you know that October 4-10 is National Fire Prevention Week? It would always creep up on me, and I would have to rush to find something to squeeze it in. As a child, I remember this week being a total blast at school! The firetruck would come and the firefighters would do a demonstration. […]
All About Apples and a Poetry FREEBIE
Fall is right around the corner. That means pumpkin spice lattes, apples, and college football! Usually by the third week of school, we are ready to move from back-to-school themed books to apples. My students always enjoy apple activities as I integrate our reading and science time. Here are a few of my favorite apple […]
Back to School Teacher Appreciation
For Texas teachers, today was the first day back. This year I am at home again as we wait on our little girl from the Congo to be able to come home. I cry every year–not because I am ungrateful to be home or for my precious little guy that is here already, but because […]
Classroom Tour and FREEBIES
I know what you are thinking, “What is this teal and white classroom? I thought you were staying home with your son and waiting on your adopted baby girl to come home!” You’re right. I am still at home, BUT my new sister in law and brother both are starting their first year in a […]
FREE Binder Covers
Being organized in the classroom doesn’t come easy for everyone, but I would like to think that I am a fairly organized person. It never failed, though. At the end of the day I looked around and I had a pile of papers that needed to be organized, but I wasn’t sure where to put […]