Meet the Teacher Tips
The back to school season is busy long before your students enter your classroom. There are so many things to prepare for and meet the teacher is one of them. I wanted to help you prepare with these simple meet the teacher tips. Here are a few things that I have learned throughout my years in […]
Back to School: Parent Communication
Parent Communication can seem like a daunting task. At the end of a long day sometimes the last thing we want to do is spend more time on the phone, writing emails, or on social media. But we have to remember one thing: Parent communication is of the utmost importance. As a teacher, you want […]
Interactive Science Notebook Tips
I have been using science interactive notebooks since my first year of teaching. I had a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful science teaching coach who was all about using science interactive notebooks in the classroom. It was a bit of a struggle for me to get them going. Some years were better than others for implementing them, but […]
How to Get Organized for Guided Reading {with a FREEBIE}
When you open your guided reading binder, what do you see? Are your lesson plans and student data forms easily accessible? Do you know which students need a running record today? Do you have all the resources you need at your fingertips? I know I got tired of disheveled papers falling out, losing track of […]
Teacher Summer Instagram FUN
I love Instagram. It’s the perfect way to share something quick and simple. It doesn’t filter through your feed like Facebook does. I am guaranteed to at least have the opportunity to see everyone that I follow! I love that about Instagram! I also love how easy it is to connect with others! My dear […]
Color by Number FREEBIE
As the end of the year approaches, summer is on your mind! Students are starting to check out you are working hard to keep them engaged in learning as you focus on instruction for the last few weeks! I always found that introducing a new idea or way of practicing skills was fabulous for my […]
Teacher Appreciation Gift FREEBIE
Yesterday on Instagram I shared this image of a simple, quick, teacher appreciation gift that I threw together in about 5 minutes for my little guy’s teachers. Things Needed: -hand soap -ribbon –gift tag FREEBIE You can snag this FREEBIE to help throw your gifts together in no time. Click the images above to […]
April Fools’ Day Activities FREEBIE
Are you a prankster? I am not. I wish I were, but I am not good at lying, so I always ruin any prank I try to pull! I love to hear about pranks people pull, and my college days were filled with witnessing lots of silly pranks. They just bring joy (when they are […]
Free Spring Break Writing Activity for Kinder, First, and Second Grade
Oh, spring break- the time of the year that most teachers say, “Oh my gosh! Where has the year gone? We have so much to accomplish still!” I can totally relate. 100%. That is when I would start to freak out a little! But don’t fret, friend. I have just the thing to help your […]
Making Connections Through Read Alouds
I love, love, love teaching reading!! If you hang around her often, I’m sure you have read that before! Our interactive read aloud time is a part of our day that I never push to the side. This is when I teach my students how to think like readers. Making connections is a strategy that […]
Summer Bingo FREEBIE
Just popping in to share a little freebie that I made for my End of Year party for my little friends at school. Just add candy, math manipulatives, or coins to use to cover the spaces and you are set! Grab it if you can use it! click the image above to snag it
Chalk Paint in the Classroom
The end of the year is SO close! With that, come several crazy days that your normal schedule is thrown out the window in order to work in this or that. I wanted to share one of my FAVORITE things to do at the end of the year-use CHALK PAINT in the classroom! I LOVE […]
Martin Luther King, Jr. Poem and Activities
Martin Luther King, Jr. is honored on the third Monday of January every year. For years a man by the name of John Conyers, a congressman from Michigan, worked to honor MLK with a national holiday. It wasn’t until 2000 that every state finally recognized this day. Teacher friends, we still have so much work […]
Making Inferences
I’m going to do a quick flash back to about two weeks ago to share what we did in our class as we learned that great readers infer as they read. I started the week with a great lesson from Comprehension Connections. We safety-pinned emotion cards to the back of a child’s shirt and then […]
Kwanzaa Activities for the Classroom [+Christmas Freebies!]
As we approach the holidays, one unit we always get to do is Holidays Around the World. To get started, we’re going to dive into all about Kwanzaa. I love getting to expose my students to holidays that they may not be familiar with. Plus, it helps build a strong, solid classroom community with empathy […]
Peek at My Week with Scarecrows and a FREEBIE!
Well it has been a while since I have shared my plans for the week. It’s a lot of work to put them together visually, but it really does help me! Back to sharing I go!! Let’s see if I can do this two weeks in a row! HA! 🙂 Next week is all about […]
Constitution Day FREEBIE
September 17th is Constitution Day. This year Constitution Day happens to fall on a teaching day so I have been working on just a few ways to integrate it. **Amazon affiliate links are used below at no cost to you. We will start with a poem. I wrote this little poem with rhyming words […]
A Glimpse at Shared Reading and a Facebook FREEBIE
Shared reading is one of my most favorite parts of the day!! It is a time for me to model what great reading looks like, sounds like, and even how great readers think. The best part is that the students get the joy of reading the on-level text with me! When I taught Kindergarten in […]