I Survived Week 1!
I think that as teachers we spend from October to mid-August forgetting how exhausting the first week of school usually is. All last week I would come home and be in my pajamas on the couch by 8 o’clock. As a matter of fact, my husband even said to me last week as we were […]
Back to School Read Alouds and a Gift Card Giveaway!
I have been working like a crazy woman to get this product completed not only for my planning sake, but for YOU, too! It just feels good to have worked ahead a little bit! Here is what I have been up to. Creating and printing out this… to put together this! We all have our […]
Comparing and Contrasting Freebie and Spring Fun!
This week was seriously the longest…………..week…………..EVER! With hour long meetings 3 days after school and morning duty the week back from spring break, I just felt like I was swimming all week. My kids were chatty Cathy’s ALL week long!! It was crazy! Despite this craziness, we were super busy this week! We focused on […]
CSCOPE vs. Textbook vs. GOOD Teaching
It’s all a little strange for us as far as what we teach and when we teach it. We have CSCOPE that we have to follow. {If you want to know what that’s all about, just type CSCOPE into google. Read about all of the craziness!} We also have a state textbook adoption, too. Then, […]
If You Take a Mouse to the Movies FREE Activity
I have a love/hate relationship with this week of school. It’s this way every year for me. I LOVE it because we get to do some more fun activities, but I hate it because the kids are just as ready for the break as me, which makes for a bunch of crazies in the classroom! […]
Christmas Retells!
I’m a little late in posting about this, but I still wanted to share what we did a couple of weeks ago. We are definitely in a great routine with our reading block of time and I finally feel like my friends are moving and grooving with what I’m teaching! I just wanted to show […]
First Week Read Alouds
Welcome to my blog!! I have enjoyed the teaching blog world and have been able to use SO many of the ideas that others have shared. I am ready to jump in this little social circle and share my ideas, too! I hope that I may be as helpful as many of YOU have been […]