Earth Day Writing Freebie!
When Earth Day is around the corner, we hit the ground running with some Earth Day fun! From integrating literature to writing to building things from recycled materials, we are all about talking, thinking, and exploring what it means and looks like to be a better citizen of our Earth! We started the week by […]
Problem Solving Problems!
I think they call it “problem solving” within the math realm for a reason! Ya’ll, this is TOUGH for my kids! Maybe it’s the just the way the problems are worded and how they have to secretly solve for “x”….(HELLO ALGEBRA IN FIRST GRADE!!!), but it is just plain hard. After teaching it for 3 […]
Just popping in quickly to remind you all to hop on over to TpT and fill your cart for the HUGE Cyber Monday plus Tuesday Sale!! Thank you, Amy, for the super cute picture! 🙂 My cart has many, many things in it from several of my favorite bloggers and TpTers! If you are looking for […]
I don’t know about you guys, but my week has been FULL of ENERGY! Thankfully, we had a smaller group towards the end of the week so the sugar high wasn’t as high as it could have been. This week we have finished up learning about forms of energy. I just wanted to share what […]
Solids and Liquids
This week we learned about solids changing to liquids and liquids changing to solids! We used pop-ice and discussed their properties. They easily saw that it was a liquid as I busted one ALL over my pants!! The worst part was that it was RIGHT before an assembly. It even turned my seat cushion blue! […]
Science Journaling and a Fall Writing Craftivity
It has been yet another busy week at our house! I realized this morning that I didn’t snap many pictures of what we did in the classroom. Our wonderful teammate who plans science went to a great workshop this summer about journaling in Science. All of what we do pretty much can be put into […]
Must-Try Magnet Activities for Your Next Science Magnet Unit
Students always love the week in science where we dive into exploring magnets. I loved that it was a great way to really introduce science topics with hands-on magnet activities and explore like scientists. It’s such a great introductory unit to do in the beginning of the year! Today I want to share some of […]
A Little Bit of Science
This week we talked about properties of objects during our science time. We began by observing some objects. I hid a few objects under a towel, then revealed them for 30 seconds, and then asked the kids to describe what they saw. As they described them, we made this (crooked, awfully plain) chart. We only […]
Journal Covers
I’m really big on the kids journaling about their learning experiences. In our class, we each have a math journal and a science journal. We also have a class math journal, which is just a 1/2 chart that I have covered and made all pretty. As I’m trying to work ahead, I was sprucing up […]