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July 22, 2018

Guided Reading Level A

Because I have such a passion for guided reading, I also love sharing helpful things so you can implement it in your classroom, too! Guided reading is such a crucial part of the primary classroom because such powerful reading instruction takes place! I know how overwhelming it can feel to get started (or even make adjustments if you have it up-and-running already). I created the Guided Reading Level A Kit to help you get started with guided reading and implement it successfully. In this resource, I coach you through your lessons so you feel confident.

Level A Guided Reading

These guided reading level a resources are everything you need to have a successful guided reading group! These guided reading lesson plans, parent resources, and much more will have you set for your guided reading groups!

Reading Behaviors for Level A

Some of the reading behaviors and skills students on guided reading level A should be doing include: use language structure and picture information to predict words, recognize and locate easy sight words, slow down speech for word-to-word matching without long pauses, reread to problem solve and self-correct, remember what the story is about while reading, use pictures to search for information, and make predictions and connections based on personal experiences.

This post HERE talks about how to get started with guided reading. HERE I share how to structure a guided reading lesson for your students.

I want to break down what all is included in the Guided Reading Level A Kit. It has everything you will need to get this group reading successfully while you teach with confidence!

The Teacher Guides for Level A

This kit has detailed, illustrated instructions on how I organize everything for this guided reading level. It also has a guide for each book’s strategy to teach and detailed lesson notes for each component of the guided reading lesson and the importance of each piece. I also created a guide to remind you where the students are coming from, where they are going, and what will be next for this group. Finally, there’s a guide on how to do running records and how to interpret them as assessments for your students. You can print each guide and keep in your binder so you have it ready to go whenever you need to refer to it.

The Lesson Plans for Level A

Each text has a one-day and two-day scripted lesson plan to guide you through the entire lesson. I wanted you to get your feet wet by coaching you through the lessons until you feel ready to fly solo and write your own. Then you’ll also have examples to refer back to. With each book’s lesson, I also included the sight word cards and vocabulary cards for word work that you will need and a running record form. You will have everything you need to do an entire lesson right at your fingertips!

Student Materials for Level A 

Guided Reading Level A has six books that will keep your students engaged with strong supporting illustrations. Each text comes in color and black and white. This kit also includes alphabet charts for students to use and illustrated guided reading strategy posters for easy reference. I included all of the printable materials your little readers will need for hands-on word work, too!

Parent Guides for Level A

This kit has helpful parent guides that share what the student can do, what we are working on, and where the student is going next. These parent support notes are perfect for getting them involved in their child’s learning! Each of the six books also has a parental support guide you can send home with the text. They tell the parents what to discuss with their child during reading and after reading for each book.

Hop over to my TPT store HERE to pick up your own Guided Reading Level A kit. I hope it helps you get guided reading started, stay organized, and helps you not feel so overwhelmed! My passion is helping you feel empowered during this fundamental time during the day. You can do it!

pin itThese guided reading level a resources are everything you need to have a successful guided reading group! These guided reading lesson plans, parent resources, and much more will have you set for your guided reading groups!

Happy Teaching,



Want to use the latest research to boost your readers during small groups? This FREE guide is packed with engaging ideas to help them grow!

Hi, I'm Amanda

I’m a K-1 teacher who is passionate about making lessons your students love and that are easy to implement for teachers.  Helping teachers like you navigate their way through their literacy block brings me great joy. I am a lifelong learner who loves staying on top of current literacy learning and practices. Here, you’ll find the tools you need to move your K-2 students forward!


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3 Responses

  1. I see the kit only has 6 books in it. Is guided reading structured so that once students read through the 6 books, they automatically move on to level B?

    1. Hi Christine! No, kids will remain on a level as long as they are within their instructional level (90-94% for levels A-J). I only included 6 because my whole heart and desire behind this product is that teachers feel comfortable enough to pick up their own books and write their own lessons. It’s meant to provide teacher support as they are learning the ropes. 🙂

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