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January 16, 2015

Integrating Penguins

Penguins are always a fascinating animal that the kids enjoy learning about.  They just get so excited!! I mean think about it, how often do they get to see penguins in real life? Maybe at the zoo…maybe.  Other than that, it’s like they are some sort of mystical animal that is funny in a movies! 🙂

The winter time is a fun time of learning about arctic animals and the penguin sits at the top of our list every year.

Here is a peek at how we integrate it throughout our curriculum.  Integrating penguins into your literacy and science time is easy with these penguin activities for kindergarten and first grade! There's everything from anchor charts, printables, sorts, interactive notebook activities, and more! #allaboutpenguins #firstgrade


We learn about expository text features as we explore penguin non-fiction books.  Penguins Anchor Chart

We read and sort facts.

Penguin Facts Pocket Chart Sort

Penguin Facts Pocket Book Sort


 We learn about the penguin life cycle.  This is a nice transition into the many life cycles that we learn about in the spring. Penguin Life Cycle
Penguin Life Cycle mini-reader
We also spend some time researching all about them.     Penguins Flip Up Book
You can find this flip up book HERE.


 We apply what we have learned about non-fiction text features and create our own All About Penguins books. The little ones always enjoyed this small step into research!

You can find the other penguin activities HERE in my All About Penguins unit. If you want some more Arctic animal fun, head over the Primary Powers blog!

Integrating penguins into your literacy and science time is easy with these penguin activities for kindergarten and first grade! There's everything from anchor charts, printables, sorts, interactive notebook activities, and more! #allaboutpenguins  #firstgrade

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Happy Teaching,


Mega Read Aloud List

Use this FREE mega list of science-related read alouds for kindergarten through second grade to help you teach science all year long! This list covers 39 science topics with 4+ book suggestions for each topic. Grab it today to be set for the entire year of science read alouds!

Hi, I'm Amanda

I’m a K-1 teacher who is passionate about making lessons your students love and that are easy to implement for teachers.  Helping teachers like you navigate their way through their literacy block brings me great joy. I am a lifelong learner who loves staying on top of current literacy learning and practices. Here, you’ll find the tools you need to move your K-2 students forward!


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