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End of Year Memory Book and Activities

The last two weeks of school are hard when it comes to keeping your students attention! This End of Year Memory Book is great to keep your students writing and engaged! My students loved working on one page a day. You could also include this in an end-of-year packet that you provide to parents on the last day of school or during an award ceremony as a keepsake item.




The last two weeks of school are hard when it comes to keeping your students attention! This End of Year Memory Book is great to keep your students writing and engaged! My students loved working on one page a day. You could also include this in an end-of-year packet that you provide to parents on the last day of school or during an award ceremony as a keepsake item.


Inside you will find:

  • Kindergarten Memories Cover Page p.3
  • Memory Book Pages (for all grade levels) p.4-14
  • Kindergarten Specific Pages p.15-18
  • First Grade Memories Cover Page p.19
  • First Grade Specific Pages p.20-23
  • Second Grade Memories Cover Page p.24
  • Second Grade Specific Pages p.25-28


Please let me know if you have any questions! I am happy to help you! ๐Ÿ™‚


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