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Professional Development

Fluency Practice and Data Tracking

Use these Fluency Races as an incentive and challenge students as they work on increasing their fluency! Easily track fluency throughout the whole school year. It’s a race to the finish! How many cars in your classroom can make it to the finish line by the end of the year?




Use these Fluency Races as an incentive and challenge students as they work on increasing their fluency! Easily track fluency throughout the whole school year. It’s a race to the finish! How many cars in your classroom can make it to the finish line by the end of the year?


You will find:

  • Directions on how to use it
  • Classroom picture examples of the display
  • Data folder pages
  • First 100 Fry phrases/words for practice in the classroom or to send home
  • Race cars for the students to move up the road as you track their fluency
  • Number cones to place along the road (0-200, in increments of 10)
  • A finish line!


Read all about it and see more pictures of this system ON THE BLOG.


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