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Fractions Unit: Activities for Whole, Halves, Thirds, and Fourths

Are you a K-2 teacher ready to teach fractions? This fraction unit was created with your students in mind. There are activities that can be done whole group, a few games, and several student activities. I also shared how I taught through and used the material.




Are you a K-2 teacher ready to teach fractions? This fraction unit was created with your students in mind. There are activities that can be done whole group, a few games, and several student activities. I also shared how I taught through and used the material.

Inside you will find:
-Fraction Posters
-Fraction Vocabulary Cards
-Equal and Unequal Sort
-Half and Not a Half Rectangle and Circle Cutting
-Thirds and Not a Third Rectangle and Circle Cutting
-Fourths and Not a Fourth Rectangle and Circle Cutting
-Fraction Pocket Chart Sort
-Fraction Cut and Paste
-Fraction Flip Book
-Tasty Fractions Class Book
-Roll and Cover Fraction Game
-Draw and Solve Problem-Solving
-3 Math Journal Prompts

Please let me know if you have any questions before you make a purchase. I am happy to help!


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