This Personal Financial Literacy unit is filled with hands-on, interactive activities. Teaching posters, graphic organizers, interactive notebook templates, a personal money portfolio, and so much more! It was created with the K-1 learner in mind and aligns directly with TEKS. Students are sure to enjoy their learning as you tackle this topic!
Included in this unit:
- Standards Taught p.3
- Teaching Sequence p.4
- Word Wall Cards p.5-6
- Teaching Posters p.7-14
- Ways to Earn Income Web p.15
- Job Skills Web p.16
- Income or Gift Pocket Chart Sort p.17-19
- Income or Gift Cut-and-Paste p.20-21
- Need or Want Pocket Book Sort p.22-26
- Needs and Wants Activity Sheet p.27
- Wise Choices Scoot p. 28-30
- Interactive Notebook Flip Books p.31-37
- Saving My Money Craftivity p.38-40
- Managing My Money Portfolio p.41-50
- Our Classroom Economy p.51-57
- Fancy Finance Words Interactive Mini-Book p.58-66
TEKS Covered:
K .9A, 9B, 9C, 9D
1.9A, 9B, 9C, 9D
Please let me know if you have any questions! I am happy to help! ๐
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