The Morning Routine You Need on the 1st Day of School
The first day of school can be overwhelming for both students and teachers, especially in Kindergarten and first grade classrooms. As students trickle in during the first week, it’s important to have a routine in place that keeps little learners engaged while allowing the teacher time to greet each child, ease nerves, and establish morning […]
Ideas for a Virtual First Day of School: Kindergarten & 1st Grade
The first day jitters were always a “thing” for me. I would pick out my outfit, label all the things in my classroom, and prepare a space that they would love and help me complete. But this year is different. This year teachers like yourself are picking out half outfits (because who is even going […]
8 Get to Know You Games for Distance Learning
Get to know you games for distance learning to build a positive classroom community. If you found out that you will be teaching remotely this fall, I’m sure you have a lot on your plate. You’ve probably figured out how to run your online learning platform. You have mastered Zoom and Loom. You may even […]
Favorite K-2 Literacy Resources for Back to School
The top back to school literacy resources to engage and boost learners. It’s finally here…back to school season! This is one of my favorite times of the year! With both the start of school and how school will look changing, I’m thinking you might have your hands full. So, I wanted to share my favorite […]
How to Make Parent Communication While Distance Learning Easier
For most of us this school year, distance learning is a real possibility. With that comes several obstacles that teachers may face. One of them is how to manage parent communication while distance learning. I wanted to help you brainstorm a few ways to effectively communicate with parents so they can stay involved in their […]
How to Keep Classroom Interruptions at a Minimum
At the beginning of the year I always spent the first 6 weeks focusing on classroom procedures and expectations. Without this, I just felt like I was herding cats all year long. In a classroom full of little learners, teaching them when it’s okay to interrupt classroom instruction was at the top of my to-do […]
How to Help Cultivate a Love of Reading
Loving to read is not something that comes naturally to all children. Sometimes they love to get lost in a book, make connections, predict what will happen next and other times children just want to look at the pictures and be done. I can even see that in both of my own children. My son […]
11 Tools to Help You Get Started With Reading Small Groups
Just the thought of getting started with guided reading small groups can be overwhelming. I know that was the case for me when I started teaching. You have to create a space for it You have to gather reading tools. Then, you have to create groups and write effective lessons. It’s a lot! One area […]
The Importance of Celebrating Character in the Classroom
There are two times of the year that I would find myself sitting and reflecting on my classroom atmosphere more than any other time–the beginning of the year and the end of the year. Year after year a goal of mine was to do more celebrating of character in my classroom. At the end of […]
Back to School Teacher Appreciation
For Texas teachers, today was the first day back. This year I am at home again as we wait on our little girl from the Congo to be able to come home. I cry every year–not because I am ungrateful to be home or for my precious little guy that is here already, but because […]
Classroom Tour and FREEBIES
I know what you are thinking, “What is this teal and white classroom? I thought you were staying home with your son and waiting on your adopted baby girl to come home!” You’re right. I am still at home, BUT my new sister in law and brother both are starting their first year in a […]
Meet the Teacher Tips
The back to school season is busy long before your students enter your classroom. There are so many things to prepare for and meet the teacher is one of them. I wanted to help you prepare with these simple meet the teacher tips. Here are a few things that I have learned throughout my years in […]
Back to School: Parent Communication
Parent Communication can seem like a daunting task. At the end of a long day sometimes the last thing we want to do is spend more time on the phone, writing emails, or on social media. But we have to remember one thing: Parent communication is of the utmost importance. As a teacher, you want […]
Interactive Science Notebook Tips
I have been using science interactive notebooks since my first year of teaching. I had a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful science teaching coach who was all about using science interactive notebooks in the classroom. It was a bit of a struggle for me to get them going. Some years were better than others for implementing them, but […]
Reading Tips for the Beginning of the Year
The beginning of the school year can seem like a whirl! But in the midst of the chaos, my favorite thing to do is to get to know my students through reading when we get back to school. Not only does it grab their attention, but I love to help them fall in love with […]